Wednesday 30 September 2020

And on Top of COVID-19....

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Like many people in the world, I watched the TV last night for the first US Presidential Debate between President Trump and former Vice-President Joe Biden. Like many people in the world, I was embarrassed by what I saw. I was embarrassed for the United States of America. This country had been a huge player on the world stage. It was rich, it was where people from all over the world went for refuge, for help, for a new lease on life and to be part of something quite new and special on the world stage. It was the home of Coca Cola and blue jeans, it was the popular music country, it was the movies, it was the TV shows, it was youthful and fun to watch.

I know some Americans. I have a friend who immigrated to the States, I have relatives who became US citizens because their work took them there, I have friends and relatives who used to go to the southern States in the winter and I have always paid attention to US politics because we are small Up Here and have to get along with whatever happens Down There.

My take-aways from last night’s debacle:

1. Can you imagine what it would be like to work for Trump? If he doesn’t respect the former Vice-President and calls him names, can you imagine how he treats generals and assistants and the file clerks in the White House?

2. I can see Putin this morning laughing and laughing and laughing over his coffee and as he watches the chaos descending on this sad country across the ocean.

3. There is no “moderator” in the world who could have controlled that disaster last night. I might have considered picking up my papers and walking out.

4. I learned that the President will ally himself with whatever and whoever he thinks can get him a win. He doesn’t care if those allies are racist, lowbrow, misogynistic, violent, gun bearing people. As long as they can help him win.

5. Joe Biden is a decent human being. I am surprised he didn’t just go over and punch that man in the nose. I am surprised that he didn’t just walk off that stage, pick up the moderator on the way by, hug his wife and go home.

6. The outrage expressed by the CNN commentators after “it” was over were restrained. But the rage was there. They were outraged on behalf of their country.

7. I was left speechless and breathless and very afraid for what will happen to our world and my country in November.

8. This terrible man has unleashed hatred and drips vitriol over his amazing country and I just hope for all our sakes that the voters see him for what he is and get him out of that White House.

9. I also hope that the Republican Party realizes the mistake it made and remakes itself into a reasonable political party after all this dreadfulness is over.

10. I also hope there won’t be any more presidential debates. I think we’ve seen enough and I think we know it would just be more of the same awfulness.

To all my relatives and friends out there – Remember the words from the CBC Radio program The Dead Dog CafĂ© 20 years ago - "Stay calm! Be brave! Wait for the signs!".


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