Monday 8 June 2020

Day 84

Monday, June 8, 2020

The garden is taking shape these days. The pretty little poppies have started and there is one glorious yellow iris outside the kitchen window with oodles of blue ones to come in the next days. The little wild blue flags are starting to bloom in the bottom fields.

I may have mentioned that I really, really like the Governor of Maine Janet T. Mills. For those of my followers who aren't on Facebook - here is why I like her lots. I didn't know that Trump had escaped from Washington to go to a part of the US that sometimes feels kind of comfy for a Canadian - here's that AP story. Of course all this started in an atmosphere of fear and hope and anger in both at home for the US and the world. #BLM

It does feel like the blanket that has been covering us is beginning to be lifted a corner at a time. I continue to have great phone conversations with family and friends - there will be a couple today. One household haircut has already happened; a pedicure is on the calendar for this week AND an other haircut is slated for next week. The local restaurants are opening up more and more both for takeouts and for actual dining in! I have a bunch of excitements this week which started yesterday with a visit to my dear friend Kathy's for coffee. Tuesday it's Temple on Queen's takeout chicken dinner. Then on Thursday, if the weather is good, we are going to join the Tracy-Keith household just up the road for takeout Chinese food - socially distanced, of course! I tell you, the social calendar is just filling up! YAY!

By the way, it's now been 3 months since life was interrupted and shut down. I realise that I have now been inside one store in all that time and driven myself twice. I completed that month-long survey on how I was coping with COVID-19 for a university research project. And we are still being very, very careful around here.


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