Saturday 20 June 2020

Many Weeks!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

One of the things that has changed quite dramatically for me is how I now deal with my health care folks. I have had phone calls and prescriptions renewed and appointments for blood work done on the phone. I even had my blood work requisitions emailed to me. It saves me the trip to town - not a big deal but I appreciate that with parking and waiting, etc. I will, of course, at some time actually see my Nurse Practitioner (who is great) but we both will know when that is necessary. I hope this continues. It means that the doctors and NPs can deal with more patients and the patients don't have to wait as long. Yay, all you guys - thanks.

In the meantime, we've had a lot of good takeout meals which I have appreciated. A couple of them are coming up and they are local community hall fundraisers. Always good and reasonably priced.

Happy Solstice! I have now been quarantined for a full season (and a bit). Spring has sprung, the grass rose, the hummers returned, the trees put on their leaves, the groundhog awoke, the squirrels are leaping and bounding on the woodpile, a raccoon has climbed the bird feeder, and the flowers started blooming - all viewed from inside. Amazing!

I think I am just about done with this blog. I have been out and about and I have had hugs from two people now. It was 107 days between hair trims (it happened on Thursday and it was wonderful to see my friend). I wouldn't want my readers out there to get tired of my ramblings. So, unless something unusual happens in the next while or we see a "second wave", that's it for now.

Be kind.

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