Tuesday 12 May 2020

Eight Weeks +

May 12, 2020

Holy Cow! It's been 8 weeks and one day since I imposed self-lockdown here on Mt. Crossman! I have been out of the house and off the property exactly 9 times since March 16.

I look out the window next to my desk where my computer is to see the changes of the season. The grass is a beautiful green now and I can see the buds on the Golden Linden tree, the pear trees, the crabapple tree, the lilacs and the various shrubs that were planted without too much thought given to formality. The plants have given their joy for many years now. 

While many of them have some kind of significance that I may have forgotten, my favourite is still that Linden. It was planted in 1999, the first summer we were here. I have taken photos of it almost every year to watch it grow. When it is in its brand new leaf gown and a zephyr comes by, it is like a dancer. I have to confess that I think of this tree as a beautiful girl so "it" is actually a "she" when I think of her. A few years ago, I discovered that when my mother used to take me to the Grosvenor Park in Chester, England for walks, there were lindens there. A bit coincidental, but lovely too!

I have been trying to figure out how the Ladies Who Do Lunch (all 5 of us) can go to a restaurant that does takeout and get together socially-distancing VERY SOON. I miss seeing their for-real faces! Hugs can come on National Hugging Day whenever that is declared - as soon as it's safe. I'll keep working on this.

I have had some lovely phone calls plus a video call (which surprised the heck out of me!) over the past days. The video one showed up on my cell and I actually made it work. All the way from Victoria, BC! I do find that the calls don't last as long as they used since most of us aren't doing anything worth blabbing about. At least, I'm not. 


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